Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament declares his support for al-Kadhimi initiative, sends a message to the Iraqi people

August 3, 2022 – Iraqi News Agency


Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri announced on Wednesday his support for Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi’s initiative and sent a message to the Iraqi people.

“We express our absolute support for the national initiative you have launched to convene a national dialogue table to reach a solution to the political crisis in brotherly Iraq,” Berri said in a letter to the Iraqi people, which was received by the Iraqi news agency INA.

“To the extent that I have been, and will continue to call on all Lebanese on their different affiliations, differences and spiritual and political orientations to dialogue as the only way to settle all internal contentious issues under the roof of unity and the constitution and to meet on a word, and to the same extent and from the position of brotherhood embodied by the Government and people of Iraq , I appeal to the brotherly Iraqi people and all their leaders and national and spiritual components, especially the sons of the same team to responding quickly to the call of reason and the good word and to meet the invitation to participate in the inevitable dialogue table to keep Iraq strong for all Iraqis and all Arabs which is central to making and building trust between the Arab and Islamic neighbors,” he said.

“I pray for Allah that the Iraqi people to continue security and success in your initiative and in leading Iraq towards greater prosperity and ability,” he said to al-Kadhimi.