Here’s The Timeline Of The The Beirut Blast Investigation, 2 Years Later

AP/Hussein Malla

After a massive explosion erupted at the Port of Beirut on August 4th, 2020, the families of the victims demanded justice and accountability for their beloved ones.

Unfortunately, however, the families of the 234+ victims have been waiting for 2 years but to no avail. This is due to the protection offered by the Lebanese political establishment to the suspects.

Despite the many promises made to the people throughout the past 2 years, suspected politicians are still evading justice with the help of traditional Lebanese parties.

Due to the ongoing complications encountered in this case, a timeline of the sequence of events from one year after the investigation to date has become necessary to document.

In July 2021, Judge Tarek Bitar was seeking the prosecution of senior politicians and security officials and requested the lifting of pertinent immunities.

August 2021

September 2021

October 2021

  • Beirut Court of Appeal unanimously rejects the complaint against Judge Bitar, allowing for the investigation to proceed.
  • Civil Court of Cassation rejects the request of ex-ministers Ali Hassan Khalil and Ghazi Zeaiter to remove Judge Bitar.
  • Lebanese Judge Association announces that they will no longer accept requests to remove Judge Bitar.
  • Lebanese Supreme Judicial Court meets Judge Bitar to hear his opinion on Beirut Blast Investigation.
  • Russia provides satellite images of the Beirut Port to help the investigation.
  • Former PM Diab files a lawsuit against the Lebanese State, forcing Judge Bitar to suspend the prosecution against him.
  • Ex-Minster Ghazi Zeaiter refuses to attend his questioning.

November 2021

  • Judge Bitar says he won’t back down from the Beirut Port case.
  • Former minister Fenianos files a lawsuit, again, against Judge Bitar, forcing him to halt his work until a further decision is taken.
  • Judge Habib Mezher gets suspended after attempting to interfere in Beirut Blast Probe.
  • Three senior Lebanese judges resign over interference by politicians in the work of the judiciary in the Beirut Blast Investigation.
  • The United Nations ignores requests from Lebanese victim families for information to help the official investigation into the Beirut Port Explosion.

December 2021

January 2022

No new events regarding the Beirut Port Blast investigation in January of 2022.

February 2022

  • Families of the Beirut Blast victims organize a rally to demand an effective investigation.
  • Friends of a Beirut Blast victim send a letter to French President Macron.

March 2022

  • Families of the Beirut Blast victims file a lawsuit against former ministers Ghazi Zeaiter and Ali Hassan Khalil, under the charges of abusing their defense’s rights and status.

April 2022

  • Security forces and families of Beirut Blast victims clash during a protest.
  • A law to stop the demolition of the Beirut Port Silos until the investigation finishes was proposed by Lebanese Forces MPs.

May 2022

June 2022

July 2022

August 4th, 2022


Several marches are planned in Beirut as the Lebanese people are taking to the streets to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the Beirut Blast and reinforce their demands for justice.

Two years have passed with no accountability in sight. The families of the victims along with the Lebanese people continue to protest, determined to pursue justice all the way.

The 234 Beirut Blast Victims, Remember Their Names.