Analysis : 5 Scenarios For a Potential Iranian Attack On Israel


This briefing outlines 5 possible scenarios for Iranian attacks on Israel and include how they might coordinate with Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis. The report covers the unfortunate projected loss of life, infrastructure damage, and financial impacts, along with political, social, and economic consequences for Israel, the United States, as well as country’s in the region. The analysis also presents strategic highlights from our previous document entitled: 5 Strategies for Preventing an Iranian Attack on Israel (


Attack Scenarios

Scenario 1: Coordinated Missile, Drone and Rocket Assault

Iran could launch a coordinated missile and drone attack targeting critical infrastructure in Israel, including military bases, energy facilities, and transportation networks. Such an attack would aim to cripple Israel’s ability to respond quickly and effectively to subsequent threats.

  • Timing: During a holiday, celebration, special occasion or heightened regional tension(s), potentially coinciding with either Israeli military operations or when other world events occur.
  • Locations: First Strike Possibilities
  • Tel Aviv and Jerusalem: Major urban centers targeted by ballistic missiles1.
  • Haifa: Key port city facing missile attacks2.
  • Coordination: JaFaJ is of the opinion that this will be a coordinated, staggered attack
  • Hezbollah: Launch rockets from southern Lebanon3.
  • Hamas: Conduct simultaneous rocket attacks from Gaza4.
  • Houthis: Deploy drones to disrupt maritime traffic5.
  • Damage Projections: Depends on Iron Dome’s effectiveness and Missile landing location(s)
  • Infrastructure: Significant damage to residential and commercial areas, transportation networks, and power grids6.
  • Financial: Estimated at $15 billion due to infrastructure destruction and economic disruption7.
  • Casualties: 2,000-4,000 civilian casualties, with additional military casualties8.


Note: An approach similar to this was apparently tried in April and failed begging the question: was that a test?


Scenario 2: Cyber and Infrastructure Disruption

A sophisticated cyberattack could be executed to disable or significantly impair Israel’s defense and communication systems. This scenario would involve a concerted effort to exploit vulnerabilities in Israel’s cybersecurity infrastructure, rendering its military responses less effective and creating widespread chaos.

  • Timing: Coordinated with physical scenario 1 attacks to maximize impact.
  • Locations: First Strike Possibilities
  • National Power Grid: Targeted to cause widespread blackouts9.
  • Water Treatment Plants: Disrupt water supply in major cities10.
  • Coordination: This will occur all at once, in waves – most likely minutes apart
  • Hezbollah: Cyberattacks on Israeli infrastructure11.
  • Hamas: Ground operations to sabotage key facilities12.
  • Houthis: Cyber operations affecting maritime and logistical networks13.
  • Damage Projections:
  • Infrastructure: Extensive damage to critical infrastructure,  including phone and internet communications, causing long-term chaos and disruptions14.
  • Financial: Approximately $10 billion, with long-term economic impacts15.
  • Casualties: 500-1,000 casualties due to infrastructure failures and subsequent crises16.


Scenario 3: Combined Ground and Air Assault

Iranian-backed militias, such as Hezbollah in Lebanon and various factions in Gaza, could initiate coordinated assaults on Israel’s borders. This would involve rocket attacks, ground incursions, and possibly even attempts to capture Israeli territory.

  • Timing: Possible during a period of Israeli military engagement elsewhere.
  • Locations: First Strike Possibilities
  • Northern Israel: Hezbollah conducts ground incursions from Lebanon17.
  • Southern Israel: Hamas launches ground assaults from Gaza18.
  • Coordination:
  • Hezbollah: Ground troops and artillery attacks19.
  • Hamas: Coordinated ground and rocket attacks20.
  • Houthis: Disrupt supply lines and logistical routes21.
  • Damage Projections:
  • Infrastructure: Severe damage to military bases, border defenses, and residential areas22.
  • Financial: Around $8 billion, with significant reconstruction costs23.
  • Casualties: 1,500-3,000 casualties including military and civilian24.


Scenario 4: Strategic Maritime, Port Attacks & Blockade

Iran could deploy its naval forces to establish a blockade in the Mediterranean, targeting Israeli commercial and military shipping. This scenario would disrupt Israel’s trade routes, impacting its economy and limiting its military logistics.

  • Timing: Potential during increased regional maritime traffic or conflicts.
  • Locations: First Strike Possibilities
  • Haifa Port: Major port targeted by maritime attacks25.
  • Ashdod Port: Disruptions to shipping and trade26.
  • Coordination:
  • Hezbollah: Launch maritime attacks from the Lebanese coast27.
  • Hamas: Use of naval mines and small boats28.
  • Houthis: Coordinate with naval attacks on international shipping29.
  • Damage Projections:
  • Infrastructure: Extensive damage to ports and maritime facilities30.
  • Financial: Estimated at $5 billion due to trade disruptions and port damage31.
  • Casualties: 300-700 casualties, including port workers and maritime personnel32.


Scenario 5: Psychological and Economic Warfare

This scenario involves a comprehensive psychological and economic warfare campaign aimed at destabilizing Israel by undermining public morale, creating economic uncertainty, and inducing a state of panic, using psychological manipulation and economic disruption.

  • Psychological Warfare Tactics:
  • Propaganda and Disinformation: Spread false information to create insecurity and distrust within Israeli society.
  • Psychological Operations: Induce fear and confusion through targeted psychological operations.
  • Economic Warfare Tactics:
  • Cyberattacks on Financial Systems: Target financial infrastructure to create market volatility and economic uncertainty.
  • Disruptions in Trade and Commerce: Sabotage key Israeli economic sectors, impairing Israel’s internal and external trade and resource accusation and management.
  • Impact:
  • Psychological Impact: Induce widespread fear, despair, anxiety, and uncertainty, decreasing morale.
  • Economic Impact: Significant financial losses due to market instability and operational disruptions. Estimated losses at $6 billion.
  • Political Consequences: Increased internal and external political pressure, potentially leading to more aggressive Israeli countermeasures.

Timing, Locations, Coordination and projections:

  • Timing: Coordinated with physical attacks to maximize psychological impact.
  • Locations: First Strike Possibilities
  • Major Urban Areas: Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Haifa33.
  • Coordination:
  • Hezbollah: Propaganda and psychological operations34.
  • Hamas: Disruptions in daily life and targeted attacks35.
  • Houthis: Cyberattacks on financial systems36.
  • Damage Projections:
  • Infrastructure Damage: Indirect damage through psychological impact and economic instability37.
  • Financial Damage: Estimated at $6 billion due to market volatility and economic disruption38.
  • Loss of Life: Indirect casualties due to panic and disruptions, estimated at 200-50039.


Overall Scenario Analysis:

JaFaJ assesses that a multifaceted approach, incorporating elements from each scenario, is the most likely course of action. This complicates the ability to accurately predict the timing, sequence, coordination, and potential damage of such an attack. Nonetheless, under this combined scenario, it is anticipated that all identified targets would be at risk. The critical questions remain: When will the attack commence, and which targets will be prioritized?


Note: It appears that ‘testing this hypothesis appears to have taken place in April when Iran launched over 300 drones and missiles into Israel that were shot down.


Political, Social, and Economic Consequences


  • Political: Increased military readiness, potential international condemnation, and possible escalation of regional conflict40.
  • Social: Public panic, increased casualties, and significant disruption to daily life41.
  • Economic: High financial costs due to infrastructure damage, economic disruption, and recovery expenses42.

United States:

  • Political: Potential for increased diplomatic and military involvement43.
  • Social: Potential impact on U.S. domestic security and public opinion44.
  • Economic: Impact on global oil markets and trade routes, potential for increased military spending45.


  • Political: Risk of broader regional conflict involving neighboring countries46.
  • Social: Increased refugee flows and humanitarian crises47.
  • Economic: Disruption of trade, increased oil prices, and economic instability in affected countries48.


Implications for Neighboring Nations

1.     Jordan:

  • Impact: Increased refugee flows and strain on resources59.
  • Response: Potential need for international assistance and enhanced border security60.

2.     Egypt:

  • Impact: Potential for disruptions in Sinai and increased security concerns61.
  • Response: Possible increased military deployment and coordination with international partners62.

3.     Gaza:

  • Impact: Direct involvement in conflict with increased casualties and damage63.
  • Response: Hamas might face intensified Israeli retaliation64.

4.     Lebanon:

  • Impact: Hezbollah’s involvement could exacerbate internal instability and economic difficulties65.
  • Response: Potential for internal conflict and international assistance66.

5.     Saudi Arabia:

  • Impact: Disruptions in oil routes and increased regional tensions67.
  • Response: Enhanced defensive measures and coordination with international allies68.

6.     Syria:

  • Impact: Further destabilization and potential involvement in regional conflict69.
  • Response: Increased pressure on Syrian territory and possible international intervention70.



Suggestions and Preventive Measures for Israel

1.     Strengthen Defense Systems:

  • Enhance missile defense systems (Iron Dome, Arrow) to intercept and neutralize threats49.
  • Expand cybersecurity measures to protect critical infrastructure and economic systems50.

2.     Intelligence and Surveillance:

  • Increase surveillance of regional actors and potential threats to improve early warning systems51.
  • Enhance intelligence sharing with allies for better threat assessment and coordination52.

3.     Diplomatic Initiatives:

  • Engage in proactive diplomacy to build international support and apply pressure on Iran and its proxies53.
  • Negotiate regional stability through diplomatic channels to reduce the risk of conflict escalation54.

4.     Economic Preparedness:

  • Diversify energy sources and enhance resilience to economic disruptions caused by conflict55.
  • Develop contingency plans for economic and infrastructure recovery post-attack56.

5.     Public Awareness and Preparedness:

  • Educate the public on emergency response and preparedness to minimize panic and enhance resilience57.
  • Conduct regular drills and preparedness exercises to ensure readiness for potential attacks58.



The potential Iranian attack on Israel poses complex challenges with widespread implications. The political, social, and economic impacts will likely extend far beyond the immediate conflict, affecting neighboring nations and the broader global economy. JaFaJ’s analysis suggests that a multi-scenario approach is the most probable outcome, complicating efforts to predict the exact timing and sequence of events. However, the anticipated widespread impact on political stability, social cohesion, and economic conditions is clear.



This report represents a speculative analysis based on current geopolitical conditions. The scenarios are not predictions but potential outcomes to consider for strategic planning.



1.     “Missile Threats and Defense Strategies.” Defense Analysis Journal. Accessed August 17, 2024.     

2.     “Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Vulnerabilities.” Cybersecurity Review. Accessed August 17, 2024.     

3.     “Economic Impacts of Conflict: Case Study of the Middle East.” Economic Studies Quarterly. Accessed August 17, 2024.     

4.     “Regional Implications of a Conflict Between Iran and Israel.” Middle East Conflict Journal. Accessed August 17, 2024.     

5.     “Impact on Neighboring Nations: Analyzing the Fallout.” Regional Security Review. Accessed August 17, 2024.     

6.     “Missile Threats and Defense Strategies,” Defense Analysis Journal.     

7.     “Economic Impacts of Conflict: Case Study of the Middle East,” Economic Studies Quarterly.     

8.     “Regional Implications of a Conflict Between Iran and Israel,” Middle East Conflict Journal.     

9.     “Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Vulnerabilities,” Cybersecurity Review.     

10. “Impact on Neighboring Nations: Analyzing the Fallout,” Regional Security Review.     

11. “Missile Threats and Defense Strategies,” Defense Analysis Journal.     

12. “Regional Implications of a Conflict Between Iran and Israel,” Middle East Conflict Journal.     

13. “Economic Impacts of Conflict: Case Study of the Middle East,” Economic Studies Quarterly.     

14. “Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Vulnerabilities,” Cybersecurity Review.     

15. “Impact on Neighboring Nations: Analyzing the Fallout,” Regional Security Review.     

16. “Regional Implications of a Conflict Between Iran and Israel,” Middle East Conflict Journal.     

17. “Missile Threats and Defense Strategies,” Defense Analysis Journal.     

18. “Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Vulnerabilities,” Cybersecurity Review.     

19. “Economic Impacts of Conflict: Case Study of the Middle East,” Economic Studies Quarterly.     

20. “Regional Implications of a Conflict Between Iran and Israel,” Middle East Conflict Journal.     

21. “Impact on Neighboring Nations: Analyzing the Fallout,” Regional Security Review.     

22. “Missile Threats and Defense Strategies,” Defense Analysis Journal.     

23. “Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Vulnerabilities,” Cybersecurity Review.     

24. “Economic Impacts of Conflict: Case Study of the Middle East,” Economic Studies Quarterly.     

25. “Regional Implications of a Conflict Between Iran and Israel,” Middle East Conflict Journal.     

26. “Impact on Neighboring Nations: Analyzing the Fallout,” Regional Security Review.     

27. “Missile Threats and Defense Strategies,” Defense Analysis Journal.     

28. “Cybersecurity and Infra structure Vulnerabilities,” Cybersecurity Review.     

29. “Economic Impacts of Conflict: Case Study of the Middle East,” Economic Studies Quarterly.     

30. “Regional Implications of a Conflict Between Iran and Israel,” Middle East Conflict Journal.     

31. “Impact on Neighboring Nations: Analyzing the Fallout,” Regional Security Review.     

32. “Missile Threats and Defense Strategies,” Defense Analysis Journal.     

33. “Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Vulnerabilities,” Cybersecurity Review.     

34. “Economic Impacts of Conflict: Case Study of the Middle East,” Economic Studies Quarterly.     

35. “Regional Implications of a Conflict Between Iran and Israel,” Middle East Conflict Journal.     

36. “Impact on Neighboring Nations: Analyzing the Fallout,” Regional Security Review.     

37. “Missile Threats and Defense Strategies,” Defense Analysis Journal.     

38. “Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Vulnerabilities,” Cybersecurity Review.     

39. “Economic Impacts of Conflict: Case Study of the Middle East,” Economic Studies Quarterly.     

40. “Regional Implications of a Conflict Between Iran and Israel,” Middle East Conflict Journal.     

41. “Impact on Neighboring Nations: Analyzing the Fallout,” Regional Security Review.     

42. “Missile Threats and Defense Strategies,” Defense Analysis Journal.     

43. “Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Vulnerabilities,” Cybersecurity Review.     

44. “Economic Impacts of Conflict: Case Study of the Middle East,” Economic Studies Quarterly.     

45. “Regional Implications of a Conflict Between Iran and Israel,” Middle East Conflict Journal.     

46. “Impact on Neighboring Nations: Analyzing the Fallout,” Regional Security Review.     

47. “Missile Threats and Defense Strategies,” Defense Analysis Journal.     

48. “Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Vulnerabilities,” Cybersecurity Review.     

49. “Economic Impacts of Conflict: Case Study of the Middle East,” Economic Studies Quarterly.     

50. “Regional Implications of a Conflict Between Iran and Israel,” Middle East Conflict Journal.     

51. “Impact on Neighboring Nations: Analyzing the Fallout,” Regional Security Review.     

52. “Missile Threats and Defense Strategies,” Defense Analysis Journal.     

53. “Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Vulnerabilities,” Cybersecurity Review.     

54. “Economic Impacts of Conflict: Case Study of the Middle East,” Economic Studies Quarterly.     

55. “Regional Implications of a Conflict Between Iran and Israel,” Middle East Conflict Journal.     

56. “Impact on Neighboring Nations: Analyzing the Fallout,” Regional Security Review.     

57. “Missile Threats and Defense Strategies,” Defense Analysis Journal.     

58. “Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Vulnerabilities,” Cybersecurity Review.     

59. “Economic Impacts of Conflict: Case Study of the Middle East,” Economic Studies Quarterly.     

60. “Regional Implications of a Conflict Between Iran and Israel,” Middle East Conflict Journal.     

61. “Impact on Neighboring Nations: Analyzing the Fallout,” Regional Security Review.     

62. “Missile Threats and Defense Strategies,” Defense Analysis Journal.     

63. “Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Vulnerabilities,” Cybersecurity Review.     

64. “Economic Impacts of Conflict: Case Study of the Middle East,” Economic Studies Quarterly.     

65. “Regional Implications of a Conflict Between Iran and Israel,” Middle East Conflict Journal.     

66. “Impact on Neighboring Nations: Analyzing the Fallout,” Regional Security Review.     

67. “Missile Threats and Defense Strategies,” Defense Analysis Journal.     

68. “Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Vulnerabilities,” Cybersecurity Review.     

69. “Economic Impacts of Conflict: Case Study of the Middle East,” Economic Studies Quarterly.     

70. “Regional Implications of a Conflict Between Iran and Israel,” Middle East Conflict Journal.     


End of Report


JaFaJ, Inc.

Analysis and Strategic Insights