Artsakh parliament factions: We urge peacekeepers to take all measures and ensure stability

The events of the last days, the presence of victims and wounded once again prove that the peaceful coexistence within Azerbaijan for Artsakh is excluded. On this occasion 5 factions of National Assembly of Artsakh made a joint statement.

The statement says: “Since 1 August, the armed forces of Azerbaijan resorted to provocative military actions in various sections of the line of contact between Artsakh and Azerbaijan, as a result of which there are victims and wounded.

Armenian National Assembly factions consider Azerbaijan’s repeated aggressions to be a gross violation of the November 2020 ceasefire, which aims to continue the Armenian-hating policy and create panic in Artsakh. Azerbaijan regularly accuses Armenia and Russia of non-compliance with the November 9 trilateral agreements, when Azerbaijan itself has failed to fulfill almost any point of that statement.

Such behavior is not new to us. Azerbaijan has always pursued a policy of ethnic cleansing and deportation, consistently violating the vital interests and rights of citizens of the Republic of Artsakh. Recent events, casualties and wounded victims once again prove that peaceful coexistence within Azerbaijan is impossible for Artsakh. Peace is the highest value, but there is no peace under the threat of force, with the constant trampling of human rights and dignity.

During the 44-day war in 2020, we have witnessed the silence of the international community and during this period, all the crimes committed against the people of Artsakh have not been properly condemned, due to which Azerbaijan continues to expand the scale of aggression.

– We call on parliaments of different countries and all international organizations to strongly condemn the recent actions of Azerbaijan and take practical steps to prevent new crimes.

– We call on Russian peacekeepers to carry out all necessary actions to ensure the stability of the line of contact.

Bowing our heads before all the victims of the Artsakh liberation struggle, we reaffirm the right of our people to a free and independent state as the only guarantee of a safe and secure life.”

Free Motherland – UCA Alliance

United Homeland Party

Justice Party

Armenian Revolutionary Federation

Democratic Party of Artsakh